Running Lab - The most complete analysis of the race

Biomechanical evaluation of running

Are you a professional runner?  An amateur? Or simply want to observe the mechanics of your running?
The Prati Podiatric Studio directed by Dr. Gennari adds among its services the complete biomechanical evaluation of running.

In our specialized running lab center we start from the postural, biomechanical, pressure and videographic evaluation of running to achieve not only the improvement of performance and athletic gesture, but also for the re-education of movement aimed at injury prevention.

The most suitable footwear

In our Running lab you will find sports experts ready to offer you a completely personalized treatment.
Starting from the choice of the right footwear, type of running pattern, pressure evaluation and videography up to the design of the best custom-made footbed made with the best technology available on the market and with the latest materials.

Infinite pressure and postural information

The Most Accurate Examination

In the Prati Podiatry Center, thanks to the most advanced biomechanical evaluation equipment, the runner will be able to benefit from analysis aimed at EVALUATION, PREVENTION, CORRECTION, REHABILITATION, or REATLETIZATION of the athletic gesture of running.

Our sports specialists will be able to determine significant improvements from the study of the footwear used, which will allow the runner to find in our Running Lab Center the ideal partner for his sporting activity.